The Government of Dubai Media Office

Dubai, UAE

About project

The Government of Dubai Media Office project entailed a full spectrum of requirements for any first-rate, international media office including the Dubai Press and Members Club, three editorial suites, a master control room, a conference room plus translation booth, one recording studio, and several podcast booths, as well as areas with specialized video walls. The entire media office spans approximately 4,200 square meters and sits across an entire floor plate of One Central Tower in Downtown Dubai. The design includes several social and collaborative spaces, such as an indoor garden and olive tree library, unique pods and chambers, and a fluid design that brings all the varying elements together to form a cohesive whole.

About photoshoot

1 day photo shooting, 1-week post-production.

Final deliverables

A total of 12 photos were delivered to the client.


Address Sky View, Dubai, UAE


Dorchester Collection, Dubai, UAE